Shamanic Initiation

This option is for those who wish to try out a traditional Shipibo shamanic initiation.


According to your budget, your expectations and the number of participants, the price for this option varies between 200 and 400 € per week.

Shamanism is an ancestral practice of the Shipibos. It is at the core of their culture, cosmovisión and beliefs.
Our shamans will try to introduce you to the virtues of the plants and help you become familiar with their remedies, mainly the Ayahuasca.



“Medecine”, “Sacred Plant”, “Mother of the Master Plants”, this sacred vine, when combined with Chacruna leaves, has been used for ages all over Amazonia to heal, but also to ‘see’. In Shipibo, it’s called “Oni” which means “Wisdom” or “Light”. T
This plant will always remain a big mystery as Shamanism is so huge. Once you drink this herbal mixture, it guides you deep within yourself, others and the universe. It’s an open door to infinity.
Native people drink it to cure and to ‘see’. Westerners, who are in search of knowledge, drink it in order to travel within themselves and experiment its psychotropic effects. Each time you drink it, you are rewarded with a wonderful journey towards the infinite that will allow you to know more about yourself, to discover the secrets of plants and the energies that surround us. There is always a ‘before’ and a ‘after’ Ayahuasca…

Thanks to strict diets the healers learn how to use the plants and in which quantity to heal the sicknesses. Each plant has its own spirit. Thanks to the Ayahuasca (the Mother of all Plants) and their ikaros singing, the Shamans are able to communicate with each plant they have dieted but also with spirits of the wood, the river, the sky, the animals….
A shamanic initiation is practised through a diet. A diet consists of getting to know a plant over a certain period of time, weeks, months or years. You need to drink the plant extract several times, for example in the morning and in the evening for a few days then you need to continue to ‘diet’ the plant over a given length of time.
During this period, you have to be on a very strict diet.  Sugar, salt or  oil are banned and so is sexual activity, you cannot drink soft drinks, alcohol or use soap. During that period we wash with plants that are beneficial for the diet. At the beginning and at the end of the diet, Ayahuasca ceremonies are organised. The first one is to allow the dieter to  open up and be prepared to accept the plant and the last one is to celebrate our diet and put an end to it. When it is over, you can eat normally again.


Relaxing moments and meditation are highly recommended during the diet. it is not recommended to do strenuous physical efforts or to be exposed to the sun.
It is very important that one of the main objectives of anyone wishing to diet is to learn about medicinal plants, their benefits and virtues and to elevate spiritual level.


Here is a link to watch a short video that we have made, it will give you a better idea of what a plant diet is: